Watching people dance is hearing their heart speak

Dance Class

Talvandansen offers Ballet and Modern dance (Contemporary) classes in two of the most beautiful dance studios in Rotterdam. All classes are in English. During the school year there are lessons in different levels: beginners/intermediate and fast intermediate/advanced.It is also possible to combine different classes and levels. The classes are for adults (16+). The school year runs from September until the end of June. You can step in at any moment. Talvandansen offers the possibility to take single classes for professional dancers, dance teachers and dance students. A personal program as preparation for auditions is available. If you like to continue dancing in the summer – check the Summer Course page. 

School year 2024-25 start in the week of September 9th 2024. More information about year plan (blocks) and vacations is under FAQ.

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Monday Wednesday
Studio: Albeda Dans College Studio: Albeda Dans College
Modern Dance
Beginners / Intermediate
19:00 – 20:15
Tal Sofer
Classical Ballet
19:00 – 20:30
Tal Sofer
FULL! Email for waiting list
Classical ballet
Advanced/Fast Intermediate
20:30 – 22:00
Tal Sofer
Modern Dance
Advanced/Fast Intermediate
20:45 – 22:00
Tal Sofer

Dance info

Ballet is an elegant dance style originated in the Italian Renaissance. Ballet technique forms the base for many other dance styles. The classes at Talvandansen are largely based on the Vaganova Method, combined with current insights.

The class starts with a technical warming up at the barre. Followed by exercises through space to further develop your technique and feel of the style. Dance combinations and ballet repertoire will develop your musicality, dynamics and presentation.

Advanced/Fast Intermediate
This class is suitable for students with longer dance experience: advanced & fast intermediate amateurs, semi-professionals and professionals. Fast-paced lessons with particular attention for technical training, stamina and learning capacity through long dance combinations. The class is also suitable as preparation for auditions.

For absolute beginners, intermediate students with only few years training, or if you danced as a child and wish to return to dancing after long pause. Lessons in a relaxed environment. Discover the pleasure of dancing while you develop your technical skills, posture and musicality. This group is FULL! Email for the waiting list.

Modern or Contemporary dance is the umbrella term for dance techniques originated at the beginning of the 20th century. But new contemporary dance techniques are still being developed. Each teacher is giving his/her class a different flavor by combining various music styles and dance techniques. The key elements of Modern dance are: the use of gravity, dynamics, flow and breath.

For absolute beginners, intermediate students with only few years training, or if you danced as a child and wish to return to dancing after long pause. Learn the basic principles of modern dance in a safe environment. Develop your feeling for style and musicality. You will become more aware of your posture and increase your range of motion.

Fast Intermediate/Advanced
This class is suitable for fast intermediate and advanced dancers with few years of training. Deepen your knowledge and challenge yourself physically by combining various Modern dance techniques. Through longer dance combinations you’ll improve your learning abilities and increase your artistic expression. The class is also suitable as preparation for auditions.

Attention – at the moment this course is not offered.

This lesson is suitable for all levels. The class is intended as support for your technique in other dance classes. But you can also choose to follow this class separately (even if you never danced before). You will work on your posture, stability, strength and flexibility. You will be more aware of your body and possibilities through the use of floor exercises.

What is PBT/PCT?

Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is designed to help students learn to use the right muscles that are important for ballet technique. The technique was first made for ballet students, but is now also being successfully used by students of other dance styles. Later Progressing Contemporary Technique (PCT) was developed especially for Contemporary dancers. The technique can also be of interest to people without dance experience, because it will help to develop stability, strength, flexibility and promotes correct posture.

In class we work with materials such as a large fit ball, a small Pilates ball and / or an elastic band to train deeper muscles and improve the technique. The muscle memory is trained to be able to perform the movements correctly and safely in the dance class. Because the ball is continuously mobile under the body, it gives the student direct feedback on the correct execution. Since most exercises are performed sitting or lying down, this lesson is also very suitable during recovery from injury.

If you decide to join this class you’ll need to purchase the equipment. The teacher has a set for your tryout class. After your tryout you’ll receive instruction about the equipment you need.

Attention – at the moment this course is not offered.

Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is designed to help students learn to use the right muscles that are important for ballet technique. The technique was first made for ballet students, but is now also being successfully used by students of other dance styles. Later Progressing Contemporary Technique (PCT) was developed especially for Contemporary dancers. The technique can also be of interest to people without dance experience, because it will help to develop stability, strength, flexibility and promotes correct posture.

In class we work with materials such as a large fit ball, a small Pilates ball and / or an elastic band to train deeper muscles and improve the technique. The muscle memory is trained to be able to perform the movements correctly and safely in the dance class. Because the ball is continuously mobile under the body, it gives the student direct feedback on the correct execution. Since most exercises are performed sitting or lying down, this lesson is also very suitable during recovery from injury.

Because a lot of equipment is needed for this lesson, the class is also offered in the form of a short course or a masterclass. So you can try it out first before purchasing equipment. The short course will be once a month on Saturdays. Interested in the weekly PBT/PCT class? Check the information about the Monday class.

Try-out class

Not sure which class to choose? Come for a tryout class!

With the Rotterdampas you can follow one try-out class for free.


Tal Sofer

Tal Sofer

Owner of Talvandansen, Dance teacher, Choreographer, Dancer

Tal Sofer (M.A.Ed) was born in Israel. Tal Has graduated from the Dance Academy in Rotterdam as a Ballet and Contemporary dance teacher. Later she got her Master degree of Arts in Education at Codarts.

Tal is (or was) working as a dance teacher at: Albeda Dans College, Buitenkunst, Jeugdtheater Hofplein, MBO theaterschool, Theater Havo/Vwo, Kunstgebouw Rijswijk, SKVR, VAK Delft, Noes Fiolet Studios and many more. Tal is giving dance workshops and teaching her own classes under the name Talvandansen.